
Monday, February 22, 2010

Voicemail Tip of the Week-Phone Forwarding

TWU has a new voicemail system for all permanent faculty and staff. The new system integrates voicemail with e-mail, delivering all messages to both telephone and e-mail. To request an account on the new system, e-mail and include your name, campus, and telephone extension.

Since the transition phase to the new system has occurred, the old system will be taken offline Friday, February 26th 2010 at 10 am. Please be sure to clear any messages from your mailbox on the old system. Due to technical differences in the old and new system, messages will not transfer. When you have set up your box on the new system, clear out your box on the old system and send request to to have it deleted.

Each person must set phone forwarding to voicemail. If the phone is not forwarded to voicemail, the phone will just ring.

Always start by clearing the phone of both types of forwarding. Do both of these steps:

To clear all call forward
  1. Pick up the receiver.
  2. Press # 1.
  3. Hang up B.
To clear partial forward
  1. Pick up the receiver.
  2. Press # 2.
  3. Hang up B.

B When using a display multi line phone, FWD CNCL will appear.

Then, choose the type of forwarding desired and forward the phone to voicemail. There are two types of phone forwarding available: partial and all. If partial forwarding is set, voicemail answers after several rings or immediately if busy. If all call forwarding is set, all calls to that extension are immediately forwarded to voicemail. Choose one of these steps:

To set all partial forward
  1. Pick up the receiver.
  2. Press * 2 4646.
  3. Hang up A.
To set all forward
  1. Pick up the receiver.
  2. Press * 1 4646.
  3. Hang up A.

A When using a display multi line phone, FWD SET will appear.

When calling campus extensions using a display multi line phone, the phone system will display the type of forwarding set.
  • FDB indicates that voicemail has answered the call due to busy status.
  • FDN indicates that voicemail has answered the call due to no answer.
  • FDA indicates that voicemail has answered because all calls are forwarded.
Voicemail is available for all permanent faculty and staff. To setup an account, e-mail from your TWU e-mail account and include name, campus and telephone extension.